Journey to Lia

Thursday, May 27, 2010

green does not always mean go

We had a great day today at the silk market, got some good bargins!! Although both Brian and I have noticed the starting prices seem much higher than when we were here 5 years ago. Ami got shoes, myself some jewellery and Brian got pulled pushed not as good bargains as I did!! Both the girls have new silk outfits, we just need Lia to try it on. Now we have a second shopping list for the dirt market.
We also saw the acrobats tonight. We were going to take a taxi, if we could get a taxi in the evening in the rain, no such luck. So we took the subway and got quite a bit of attention. Lots of stares and poor Faye seems to get the questions.
I am not sure what was my favourite part, the guy who balanced on his head on a loose rope (as opposed to the tight rope), the guy who climbed a 6 inch wide 20 foot tall pole with only his hands, body out from the pole or the 12 ladies riding one bicycle.
Brians favourite part was the green light. What is that you say, he he. There was a large group who came in 10 minutes late. They all got out their cameras and started taking pictures. Suddenly a green laser beam appeared and pointed at the cameras. You would think if this large laser beam hit the oculus of your camera you would stop and think maybe you should stop, but oh no, I guess here green always means go. Finally after do it yourself laser eye surgery did not work, a lady came out with a very angry face, not even one her mother would love, no words were needed!!
So, we are coming home on the 8th. Thanks to the Dallaways for helping to arrange Lia's ticket home. Why Air Canada could arrange ours but not hers shall remain an ancient Chinese secret. They now are granted honorary travel agent status.

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  1. Hahahahahaaaaaa......I've always wanted laser surgery so I could throw out my eye glasses. Guess I should just wait until our next trip to China. 2 for 1 - Acrobatic show & laser eye surgery. Sounds like a great deal to me!


  2. What amazing pictures you have posted for us! Thanks so much. We are thinking of you so often, and are glad that you are enjoying. The green light sounds like a hoot! Not even rehearsed. Glad you have a return date, maybe the weather in Toronto will be cooler then. Love and hugs always. Mom.
